Drunk Shows How To Faceplant

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
17,850 Views 1 decade ago Drink & Drugs

Now that was just fucking beautiful. I could sit back and watch drunk idiots faceplant all day long. It's just a shame he didn't fall from higher up. Quick, get him some more beer and walk h... Show more

  • kcinhighdef August 18, 2013


  • spinal12 April 3, 2013

    There ain't much difference 'tween a nigger and a donkey

    'Bout as much between an ape and a monkey

    Ones a little bigger, but you gotta agree

    There's not very much more that you can see.

    But a mule earns his livin' by the sweat of his neck

    While a nigger sits down and draws a gov't check

    The nigger should be smarter, as a general rule

    But in a spelling contest, I'd pick the mule!

  • randus62 April 3, 2013

    and the Darwin award goes to...

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