This Marine Didn't Get Enough Attention From Mommy

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
38,300 Views 1 decade ago Fights

Settle down, douchebag. We all get it. You have a tiny dick and feel you need to prove something by beating up a guy who can't even grow a mustache. A Marine is supposed to keep his cool and... Show more

  • buttsnorkler September 6, 2024

    People on here acting like PTSD is a magic get out of jail free card. Weirdly enough you can be mentally ill and also a public embarrassment, they aren't mutually exclusive.

  • firemedicjeff April 7, 2013

    Someone should send this to his commanding officer ! This is Camp Pendleton, CA on Vandergrift blvd just come in the man gate from Oceanside. This is one incident that happens all the time there I am a Firefighter Paramedic there. You silent believe the amount of crime and violence that happens on military bases ! It's a symptom of the on going issues these guys have they get out of boot camp and think they have a back belt in Marne Corpse. And think they can and should use that on everyone! It's not like the Marines of the past where they had HONOR, and were respected for that honor!

  • niggers April 7, 2013

    That turd has a beat ass wife in the end of the video hahahahahaha faggot.

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