Boston Marathon Explosions And Aftermath

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
34,915 Views 1 decade ago Extreme Content

Here's the best footage I found of both explosions at the Boston Marathon and the aftermath ensuing. That's pretty fucked up, but it's good to see people going out of their way to help stran... Show more

  • cynuckm January 29, 2015

    fuck all of you motherfuckers, it's all done,nothing we can do abt it,that's life,so fuck it,Are we going to cry abt this? Be strong retaliate that's all it take's, dont be a pussy send out troop's and ill bet you they will do the same thing. What i'm concern is why those law enforcement pig's took some flag and lay it down on ground. That's a violation of international law. No respect at all.That is why we get bomb here in our Soil

  • cynuckm February 6, 2014

    You fucking americans don't have respect to all nation's flag the fucking pig are knocking Flags down,Stupid motherfucker's

  • keno1226 April 18, 2013

    I hope they find the ones responsible and make them sit on one of those bombs. Instead of shrapnel stuff the pot with pork you hadji bastards.

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