The Wrong Guy To Car Jack

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
43,165 Views 1 decade ago Extreme Content

Trying to jack this guy wasn't the best idea. He's got a gun too and is quicker to use it. Try getting a real job instead, asshole. Oh, you can't, because you're fucking dead.

  • edzeva November 15, 2013

    are you retarded?

    1. this is venezuela. nobody's ending up in any court. that dude just went back to his home, watched a movie, and boned the wife. no one ever cared about this again.

    2. the car jacker probably doesnt have a job cause there arent any jobs to be had.

  • luminousmucus May 20, 2013

    I agree with matv, he'll probably end up in court with some hungry DA looking for a conviction. Or civil court where the guy that got away will claim hardship and trauma, at seeing his criminal friend getting shot.

  • stevenh915 May 19, 2013

    reason for taking another mans property . . NOT HAVING A FUCKING JOB ! have a job, earn your cheese, take it home to the wife/girl friend . . she might even suck your dick , but she will love you and she will take it in the ass when you drug her drinks enough. .

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