She Probably Shouldn't Be A Prison Guard

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
45,672 Views 1 decade ago Fights

Here's an idea, don't have women guards at a prison for men. Unless they really want equal rights that bad, then I guess they can get knocked the fuck out too. Her skills would be put to bet... Show more

  • jonny87 March 13, 2017

    Split arses should stay in the kitchen

  • loulou May 25, 2013

    Typical hood rat fucking loser. Probably had a worthless crack whore for a Momma so he has no respect for women.

  • dkgarr999 May 24, 2013

    why do they need so many guards? I say put shock collars on their necks (or balls) and shout orders to the prisoners through the intercom. If they don't do what you say. Shock their asses.

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