How do you know when you watch way too much Jackass? When you lose a bet and everyone thinks it's a good idea to stick a knife in a toaster. Thank goodness you guys did watch all those Jacka...How do you know when you watch way too much Jackass? When you lose a bet and everyone thinks it's a good idea to stick a knife in a toaster. Thank goodness you guys did watch all those Jackass episodes, because that was fucking awesome. It was like a fireworks show right in your kitchen. I'm just about 100% sure someone had a fireworks show in their pants too!
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it's fake because nothing about a toaster is just gonna explode, even if you short out the electricity. The worst you can do is blow a fuse or electrocute yourself. Any fuckwad who believes that is real deserves to be scammed in the future.
This clip is old, and yes it is fake.
@marcodufour See stupid your wrong SO SHUT THE FUCK UP
it's fake because nothing about a toaster is just gonna explode, even if you short out the electricity. The worst you can do is blow a fuse or electrocute yourself. Any fuckwad who believes that is real deserves to be scammed in the future.