Lightning sure is a mother fucker. The second bolt actually struck a woman and her daughter by the umbrella she was carrying. They both went to the hospital with burns, but I believe they su...Lightning sure is a mother fucker. The second bolt actually struck a woman and her daughter by the umbrella she was carrying. They both went to the hospital with burns, but I believe they survived. Probably with shit-stained underwear.
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I was fucking this bitch that was using a 110 volt vibrator on herself,she was squirting all over the place until she soak her toy and shorted the dam thing out, about killed us both.
I'd pork 'em both with my humongous dick-a-roonie.
Biggertalk has blown the rainbow and the rainbow came on him
I was fucking this bitch that was using a 110 volt vibrator on herself,she was squirting all over the place until she soak her toy and shorted the dam thing out, about killed us both.