Hang On To The Racecar Dumbass

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
17,822 Views 1 decade ago Funny

This guy clearly isn't too bright, but I didn't expect a very high level of intelligence considering he drives in a circle all day long. All right, now wait until the driver comes back aroun... Show more

  • unknown August 1, 2013

    I love drag racing

  • donunderstan July 17, 2013

    @imanuel, you get a pass for being a wetback and riding the back of the American Negro in a attempt to gain validity. That said, put down the Corona swimmer. Shut up, learn the culture and learn how to properly insult someone so you don't come off as some anteater wetback, smelling of smegma, and trying to entice our boys to your "alternative lifestyle". It's really obvious that you like smoking thick, black rope. Your mom would say "go Jose!. Your dad might differ. In a word...... FAG.

  • ohwickedwendi July 17, 2013

    Nascar rage.

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