This type of shit makes me glad I live in America. Granted, in probably 5 or 10 years our police will be doing this exact same thing, in the name of freedom of course, but at least for now I...This type of shit makes me glad I live in America. Granted, in probably 5 or 10 years our police will be doing this exact same thing, in the name of freedom of course, but at least for now I don't really have to worry about being dragged out of my vehicle and executed in the street.
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i was born free and my family defended this land in every war includeing the revolutionary war. and i will die defending its freedom and boarders with out hesitation
ain't no internet tuff guy here biggerdumbass. just stateing a fact. if shit gets stupid in my neck of the woods and bullets start flying . i'm sighted in at 550 meters. with a real nice scope on my bush master with a match barrel. and ypslanti michigan has the largest concentration of muslims in the entire cuntry. if i am in eminent danger or my family because of these asshole scumbags, i will kill my fair share of them before i die or am hauled off to prison. FACT!
i was born free and my family defended this land in every war includeing the revolutionary war. and i will die defending its freedom and boarders with out hesitation
ain't no internet tuff guy here biggerdumbass. just stateing a fact. if shit gets stupid in my neck of the woods and bullets start flying . i'm sighted in at 550 meters. with a real nice scope on my bush master with a match barrel. and ypslanti michigan has the largest concentration of muslims in the entire cuntry. if i am in eminent danger or my family because of these asshole scumbags, i will kill my fair share of them before i die or am hauled off to prison. FACT!