Outta The Car Asshole

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
26,010 Views 1 decade ago Police

Good times. It's always nice to start off your day trying to drag a drugged up car thief out of a minivan. He put in some decent effort, but even he had to know he wasn't getting very far. M... Show more

  • russianblood August 30, 2013

    taze that bitch!

  • immanuelkunt August 30, 2013

    If cops would learn to shoot first, fast and lots of times, and investigate (if at all) a few weeks later, there'd be fewer of you tattoo'd cocksuckers to fuck things up for the rest of us. And just look at that fucker lying on the sidewalk, just asking for a billy club up the ass and stomped balls.

  • handsomedevil August 30, 2013

    you've never seen a whiteboy elude the police, huh?Lmao ya'll fools always get caught; and why the fuck you never have a shirt on.Lol can't out run these fat piggies.

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