Stick to stocks and acquisitions because all you guys fight like a bunch of high school girls, minus the hair pulling. In fact, I'm thinking high school girls could probably kick their asses...Stick to stocks and acquisitions because all you guys fight like a bunch of high school girls, minus the hair pulling. In fact, I'm thinking high school girls could probably kick their asses.
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boneyardsteam did tgarner refuse to let you suck his cock or something? damn dude give it a fucking break!! we don't need to replace a dumb nigger like bigtalk, with a retarded redneck like you.
boneyardsteam did tgarner refuse to let you suck his cock or something? damn dude give it a fucking break!! we don't need to replace a dumb nigger like bigtalk, with a retarded redneck like you.
Don`t you just miss the 80s, when cocaine was legal?
whoooooo great to be back.... talk shit get hit and that sign aint gonna hide those bitch tears .... if you take it on the chin, take it like a man