I would think that watching the other guy pick up a long beating stick of some sort and cock it back ready to swing might put this guy on guard at least a little. But I am mistaken. Instead ...I would think that watching the other guy pick up a long beating stick of some sort and cock it back ready to swing might put this guy on guard at least a little. But I am mistaken. Instead he just stands there and gets hit in the face. Not very well played.
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someone pulls out a big ass stick stop talkin take a few steps back dont just fucking stand there and let mr. willie mays treat your head like t-ball practice
bAAm and LOL :D
someone pulls out a big ass stick stop talkin take a few steps back dont just fucking stand there and let mr. willie mays treat your head like t-ball practice
Even when there are no honkies in the video, Bigger is still pissed at them.