Man The Fuck Up You Fat Cry Baby

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
33,128 Views 1 decade ago Funny

Take a wild guess who's not getting laid tonight. In fact, guess who's getting dumped on the drive home. Did you guess the fat pussy who hides behind his girlfriend when he's scared? I'm pre... Show more

  • jayblade April 4, 2017

    fag ass beaner

  • killtacular November 9, 2013

    It's sad that the zombie phobia has spread so much that people think they could be real...There's no such thing as Zombies, and if there ~were~, they'd last all of 3 weeks, or until their brains turned to goop in their skulls..because they're still dead, and they're still decaying, so the Zombie Apocalypse wouldn't even be a thing,'d certainly clear out the weak and undesirable from the population, but it wouldn't last long enough to end the world.

  • biggertalk November 8, 2013

    As for the video, that isn't his girlfriend that is his faghag you dumbshit.

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