Jermaine Green Shot Six Times By Orlando Police

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
23,563 Views 1 decade ago Police

Former New York Giants running back, Jermaine Green, had a knife to his girlfriend when the police busted in and shot that motherfucker six times and even shot the chick once. They both surv... Show more

  •   happyjack November 11, 2013

    @manunder to say black people rely on or like making people scared or nervous is ridiculous. It's probably the opposite of us going out of our way to make people comfortable. But back to my original post, I've never heard a white guy call a black person nigger face to face. I've only heard it from Internet cowards.

  • donunderstan November 11, 2013

    Fuck Ya'll... ObamaCare works!

  • manunder November 11, 2013

    While the internet is a nice place for people to be keyboard tough guys the real world is chock full of real life tough guys who have no problem calling a spade a spade...Whenever i have been called white boy or cracker ass cracker my immediate response is too answer back with a racial epitaph of my own which usually ended up with a mutual understanding that this a whiteboy who is not "afraid" of black people just because they are black which a lot of black guys rely on and it has also led to some long term freindships based on has also led to a nice brawl or two

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