An Unusual Road Hazard

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
20,972 Views 1 decade ago WTF

When driving down under, it's not just kangaroos and koalas jumping on your hood or ramming into your car. You've got to look out for guys all fucked up on drugs too. So it's kind of like th... Show more

  • unknown November 15, 2013

    @rockinron, That's just south of Perth Western Australian, the blacks don't know what a computer game is, they drink alcohol and sleep all day, that's all they do mate.

    I'm in Townsville, Northern Queensland, we have the original aborigine penal goal here, it is an actually whole island called "Palm Island"

    The niggers have taken over the public parks "itinerants" they have perfect homes to go to and free money, but they won't, they say they want to sleep in the air like caveman.

    The shit in the park, the local council go there with the Police everyday to clean up the mess.

    The State Government won't have a bar of the costs, my Council rates pay for these dirty niggers because they won't shit in the toilets ten feet away.

    7 cars on average are stolen each night from my area "Rasmussen" every fucking night.

    3 murders in 7 months only 5 Kilometres from my home.

    All the shops hide the glues and aerosol cans because the blacks "chrome" and also sniff petroleum which they steal from cars.

    I have killed five niggers in the last three years with a bullet to their brains, I just drive them out to the open pit mines and they are buried under 100 metres of rock never to be found.

    We have a new Prime Minister, and now a New Premier in Queensland, he has taken up war against bikies and crime, it is all happening here.

  • morbuis669 November 14, 2013

    He's just trying to play GTA for real, that's all.

  •   rockinron November 14, 2013

    australian frogger is played diferently than american frogger. seeems they have found a way to get rid of the niggers by useing them as the game pieces.

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