Most chicks sit down to pee, some like to squat and hover, others pull up their piss lips and aim at their target, but the very classy ladies just let it flow right down the leg of their pan...Most chicks sit down to pee, some like to squat and hover, others pull up their piss lips and aim at their target, but the very classy ladies just let it flow right down the leg of their pants while you watch online and beat it.
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I think this would make a great fasion trend in some countries...maybe Japan. Jeans that look like you pissed your pants. Sure to attract a worthy lover.
She just stood there and pissed herself..I'm baffled
I think this would make a great fasion trend in some countries...maybe Japan. Jeans that look like you pissed your pants. Sure to attract a worthy lover.
Wetter than an otters pocket?