Have nice fall!

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Henry M. User Avatar
Henry M.
21,003 Views 1 decade ago Funny

I love when I see jackasses eat a giant pile of shit. This guy does just that. I wish there was some more footage of this. Like his face when he was about to kiss the escalator stairs.

  •   rockinron December 8, 2013

    there's good black folks and theres niggers. niggers great grand parents worked the fields like farm machinery. good black folks great grand parents worked in massa's house as maids servants and bed warmers. and its the bed warmers that have produced the gene's of all the good black folks. god damn miracle what a few white gene's can do to a simian

  •   happyjack December 8, 2013

    @honkie365 you've used this same argument before. Some of those animals you refer to are soldiers, firefighters and cops who risk their lives so your stupid ass can spout racist shit on the Internet. What are you contributing to society? You are just a miserable sewer rat who only comments on pictures or videos with black people. Get a life you pathetic miserable lnternet coward. And Kanada get your mouth off of honkie's cock. It's embarrassing even for you.

  • kanada December 8, 2013

    ^ don't bother Mr honkie, every time you state a FACT you just get shit on by the yo-yo's. Theres a reason you'll never see that question on Jeopardy.

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