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Henry M. User Avatar
Henry M.
57,854 Views 1 decade ago Creative Shit

I dont' know what I think about this. I mean, a well-kept bush is a fine thing. But, a crotch-beard, isn't my idea of a fun time.

  •   dozer67 December 10, 2013

    @handsomedevil yea your kill yourself .....

  •   rockinron December 10, 2013

    why dont they just call it flash back to the 80's month

  • handsomedevil December 10, 2013

    the chic @ 0:06 is irene mcgee from "the real world seattle" cast.Lol she was the one who had lyme disease and got smacked- the smack heard around the world -by a homosexual black-man named stephen. i might forget a bitch's name, number, and why i originally wanted to fuck her, but i never forget a face. that's crazy irene.Lol

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