In mother russia...

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Henry M. User Avatar
Henry M.
17,379 Views 1 decade ago Accidents

...all roads lead to pain! Damn! I want to know the statistics about how many people get hit by cars daily in Russia and how many of them complete two or more revolutions before hitting the ... Show more

  •   rockinron December 14, 2013

    god damn dude your comment sucked the first time i read, why torture us with a henry move like that!

  • palmharbor11 December 14, 2013

    Here in Florida, typically the driver would have continued driving...not unusual....Florida has more deaths of pedestrians than any other state as walkers

    have no rights...people are in a hurry to get home as they are worried about missing the next FoxNews Alert about something important like Obama shaking hands with Castro.

  • palmharbor11 December 14, 2013

    Here in Florida, typically the driver would have continued driving...not unusual....Florida has more deaths of pedestrians than any other state as walkers

    have no rights...people are in a hurry to get home as they are worried about missing the next FoxNews Alert about something important like Obama shaking hands with Castro.

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