Kiev, what's really going on!

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Henry M. User Avatar
Henry M.
33,028 Views 1 decade ago Bad Ass Shit

What the world news doesn't want you to know is that there is a major battle between the Jedi and the Sith going on in Kiev. They've tried to hide for this long, but, it's out now. Behold!

  • killtacular January 28, 2014

    ....I'm...not sure if I should be appalled that what's going on in Kiev isn't being taken seriously and played around with like it were business as usual...or amused at the idea that LIght Saber's are more like energy baton's...

  • lipshits January 28, 2014

    bigertalk..hell be back...hope not

  • biggertalk January 28, 2014

    @sleeko yoda is face down/ass up with 2indastink!

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