Getting Fucking Plowed Tonight

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
20,042 Views 1 decade ago Funny

You know the plow truck driver fucking loved that. He has to be up and clearing the roads all hours of the night and shit, so I'm sure he was more than happy to ruin someone else's day.

  • biggertalk February 8, 2014


  • slapnutsmcgee February 7, 2014

    Reminds me of when I ran over a puddle at the intersection and splashed this guys clean mustang

  • gangstakiller February 7, 2014

    I drive a snow plow and i HAVE done that before...pletely on purpose....i even sped up to throw the snow farther. all the people that park on the road during a "snow emergence" and i run my blow down the side of your car because its looks like a snow bank to me. my bad...your not suppose to be there anyways!

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