I'm starting to think this Alan Ackbar is kinda like how we cheer when our football team scores a goal. But usually, it's a rocket in someone's ass and a bunch of carnage. Am I being a bit e...I'm starting to think this Alan Ackbar is kinda like how we cheer when our football team scores a goal. But usually, it's a rocket in someone's ass and a bunch of carnage. Am I being a bit extreme if I wished all extremists would just off each other?
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why cant we as in the US bring "ALL" our men woman and equipment home and nuke the entire middle east till nothing not even bacteria is alive over there??? A dead enemy is no enemy and the sorryass world is real fuckin lucky I aint tha prez.
why cant we as in the US bring "ALL" our men woman and equipment home and nuke the entire middle east till nothing not even bacteria is alive over there??? A dead enemy is no enemy and the sorryass world is real fuckin lucky I aint tha prez.
are bad enough that allowed guns in america. its better without guns. fists and hands are the best weapons.
every one can push the trigger.
fuckers send ATGM systems to the dumb fuckin rag heads, but wont let us here in the states by .22 cal ammo. yes i do trust my government.....not