Twofer Tuesday: Brazilian Soccer Fans

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
16,468 Views 1 decade ago Funny

Fans all over the world are celebrating Brazil's victory in different ways. The first guy farted, and apparently it's pretty fucking stinky based on his girlfriend's reaction, and the second... Show more

  •   dozer67 July 2, 2014

    I think that's how the people and that place smells all the time how can it be any worse.

  • istealcars July 2, 2014

    Also - I love how European news agencies are so much more chill than those in America. A U.S. reporter would have crapped his or her pants if someone said what that kid said, jumping back to the news desk where everyone would be solemnly shaking their heads, as if some grievous offense had occurred.

  • istealcars July 2, 2014

    Bro, I don't think the first guy knows the chick behind him, at all. That video gives me far more the creepy vibe that he's trying to record a hot Brazilian chick behind him, in a painfully obvious manner. When she finds out, she pushes the freak. It looked like she was holding her hand over my mouth because of the drama of the game. Could be wrong.

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