This is a fucking horrible tragedy for all humans. 298 innocent people shot out of the sky for no reason. I hope the assholes responsible for this get to have very slow painful deaths as the...This is a fucking horrible tragedy for all humans. 298 innocent people shot out of the sky for no reason. I hope the assholes responsible for this get to have very slow painful deaths as their punishment. As I am following along with the news of this terrible event, it seems people are looting the crash site, and bodies are just laying about. The scene has been ransacked by looters. It's just a pretty sad.
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All we care about is how many Americans on board ? (mexicans don't count) Fuck the rest,they've been killing one or the other for hundreds of years.
Yeah we know it's Bush's fault
well then it seems that flying malaysian airlines may not be a good idea after seeing their bating score this year!