Putting the urban in Urban Outfitters

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Big Jeff
21,993 Views 1 decade ago Fights

What happens when you set up a urban clothing shop in Detroit? Exactly what you'd expect would happen. You get the fuck beat out of you for nothing because nobody has money to steal there.

  • crazyshitisgay November 28, 2016

    That moment when you say...OH SHIT WE'RE FUCKIN WHITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • sitonthis August 7, 2014

    Reminds me of that song in Poke-a-hot-ass (Pocahontas) "Animals, animals, dirty filthy animals......" Gorillas evolved into these animals but their DNA didn't. It took the gorilla out of the jungle but it didn't.....

  •   dozer67 August 6, 2014

    @dachief This is sad ....This must prove, where there are Blacks, there is crime! no matter what country.

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