This week in St. Ganistan

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Big Jeff
27,584 Views 1 decade ago Police

Now I know we all think the looters are dumb fucks that deserve the jail time they're going to get, but these guys are just civilians, protesters, and the news crews. Why are they getting de... Show more

  • tyler5665 August 20, 2014

    I'm just sick of these blacks thanking that when one of them gets shot then automatically thank they can start a (peaceful) know if they were any kind of smart they would go the fuck home where they belong and be quiet for once nobody cares one of you got shot and probably none of them care about the kid or his family all they see is a chance to act like they do and get free shit..... GO THE FUCK HOME, WHITE FOLKS ACTUALLY NEED TO USE THOSE ROADS TO GO TO WORK

  • cellule August 19, 2014

    This place needs a 24 hrs KFC.

  •   rockinron August 19, 2014

    if i were mayor of that city i would put a bouncing betty mine on every street corner in the ghetto!

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