That was cool of him to capture his own POV death on video for us, and cool of his mom to share it with us. Cool family. Maybe not the most cautious though. I see why 'SLOW' written in giant...That was cool of him to capture his own POV death on video for us, and cool of his mom to share it with us. Cool family. Maybe not the most cautious though. I see why 'SLOW' written in giant letters on the road.
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no sympathy, the twat was doin hundred miles an hour on a single lane road, filmed himself coz he wanted to look cool.....he's not cool he's stone fucking cold! retard!
Good news, he was reincarnated as the go pro camera I plan to wear when I die
no sympathy, the twat was doin hundred miles an hour on a single lane road, filmed himself coz he wanted to look cool.....he's not cool he's stone fucking cold! retard!
@sbohica You only see what I want you to see. So apart from the fucks that don't care How do you want your ouch? lol