This Music Video Stinks

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
23,295 Views 1 decade ago Funny

I don't know what the real song is, but I'm sure it sucks donkey balls. She's probably sucked a few donkey balls in her time as well. Anyway, farts are funny, so enjoy the remix.

  • joedumber September 13, 2014

    Shouldn't she be arrested? Wasn't there a post of women arrested for twerking with their clothes on?? So if you twerk on national tv for the whole world to see its ok? American Hipocracy slamp my forehead. Unfortunatley they beleive their stuff really sells, she would probably make more money posting her videos on internet porn.

  • scottishtits77 September 13, 2014

    Brilliant! Farts are always funny and that disgusting hood-rat is an annoying cunt who has to shake her arse and stanky minge in everyone's face to try distract us from the fact she's got no talent whatsoever. She reeks of desperation and bullshit. Dumb ho. That goes for Miley cunting Cyrus too. Possibly the ugliest, moon-faced skank out there. Put your clothes on, go back to school and do something constructive with your lives you shameless, classless cunts. Amen and fuck you!

  • white_devil September 13, 2014

    Shits by Dre.

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