Pissing Ain't Easy For A Drunk Slut

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
31,990 Views 1 decade ago Drink & Drugs

Sitting down on the toilet can be quite the challenge for a drunk slut. I'm sure she's much better at sitting down on a cock. If this dude keeps following her, he just might find out for him... Show more

  • mr.voorhees April 7, 2017

    Shut up and piss u dumb whore.

    Very clever to stay off that seat and fell off with the face on that pissed, shitted floor.

    Clever, clever.

  •   rockinron September 26, 2014

    this is why womens toilets are fucking disgusting! women are to damn prissy to sit their damn ass down on one of those ass gaskets they provide for you! news flash ladys the seat was clean until the first bitch to use it didn't sit down. fucking women are filthy in the bathroom tampons left on the toilet and floor rags stuck to the walls. and they bitch about guys leaving their fucking socks lay on the bedroom floor. i swear to god if women didn't have pussy's i'd never go near another one.

  • madkraze September 25, 2014

    Gotta be the longest piss I have ever heard but in the morning

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