Bring your boys, I'll bring my Honda

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Big Jeff
28,313 Views 1 decade ago Drink & Drugs

Now this guy has some friends that has his back. Yeah the other guy might have a few bros to try to fight his fight but not you its just you and your Honda...and it's few ponies under the ho... Show more

  • bigtex September 30, 2014

    @whobe, if you can make it six shooter a Colt and the horse a quarter horse, it's a deal! I'm sure cracklicker will be excited with another stolen bike and more florescent color shoes. Anything to make him a little brighter!

  •   whobe September 30, 2014

    Alright lets settle this once and for all. @bigtex you get a six gun and a horse and @crackerkiller you get a stolen bicycle and a pair of lime green Nikes.

  • bigtex September 30, 2014

    I got this ouch, I'm gonna put a curse on him, when I'm done he'll be a lil bitch ass fag living in the projects with his mom.....POOF!!!

    Holy shit, that worked fast!!! :-)

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