Miss You have a light bulb in your vagina

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36,853 Views 1 decade ago WTF

How many doctors does it take to remove a light bulb from this chick's vagina? Three. And they giggle the whole time too. It's like they never slipped and fell on a light bulb and it went up... Show more

  • tibiafinger November 6, 2014

    She gave birth to an Idea.

  • unknown October 18, 2014

    @bigtex I know that dumbass! I have seen his grave which is where I got the facts from, that and unlike you Yanks we are taught real history here asshole! The Wikipedia reference was because most of you don`t seem to use anything else, let alone continue learning to educate yourselves!

  • jakebreak October 11, 2014

    Goood thing it didnt end up liek the pickle jar.

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