Changing Lanes

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
18,835 Views 1 decade ago Accidents

Cutting across a couple lanes of traffic when you have no idea what's in the far lane is a pretty sweet idea. But if you're going to do it then make sure the vehicle behind you has a dashcam... Show more

  • penzman October 19, 2014

    Change one lane at a time numbskull. Must be even number now.

  • thedoctor October 18, 2014

    I had a friend who died in a similar manner, though it was dark, he was coming over a hill and there was a wreck with all the traffic stopped so he pulled into the emergency lane and didn't see the truck there with its lights off.

  • tardnugget October 18, 2014

    2 Fast & 2 furious 8: just a lil 2 fast

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