Just Saved Her Ass

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
25,392 Views 1 decade ago Funny

I suppose this guy is some sort of hero now. He most likely saved that dumbass girl from getting pulverized by the car, but he also ruined a sweet video for us to watch. Is her life really m... Show more

  • m3taphys1ca7 October 24, 2014

    There's a lot of sick people commenting on this thread. This guy is a HERO. If you watch the video closely he looks to his right as he crosses the intersection (obviously eyeing oncoming traffic); like a MAN of LIGHT he doesn't even think about it or hesitate (because deep down he JUST knows). His reaction time is amazing and I'd love for someone with scientific background calculate the reaction time from looking to his right, looking back towards him, REALIZING (in a fraction of a second) that this girl - that is moving obviously pretty fast - is about to get taken to the OTHER SIDE. Wow! I can't believe some of you make fun of someone like that. That was a REAL MAN.

  • dirtywonka October 21, 2014

    @ballshorts your a tube steak licker

  • dirtywonka October 21, 2014

    he wanted to skull fuck her

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