Chinese Suck At Crossing The Street

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
15,693 Views 1 decade ago Accidents

Can Chinese people not see worth shit, do they not give a fuck about human life at all, or are they just that shitty of drivers? I'm guessing all of the above. I can't believe anybody actual... Show more

  • noihavetosaythis December 23, 2016

    so incredible stupid . .

  • otakuharakiri November 28, 2014

    Pedestrians in China have the right of way. Way to be a meat target in oncoming traffic.

  • thedragonmaste November 28, 2014

    im surprised we dont see this crap in the U.S. as some one thats legally blind i can tell you the idiots driving are just that, idiots. they seem to think "well your not in the crosswalk your fair game!" guess what? law states in most states in the u.s. weather there in the cross walk or not, if they started to cross the street when it was percieved safe, you in the car. have to stop. and as for us folks that use the long white cane, well, where just freakin screwed. to many idiots on phones or running their knob gobbler to the passanger in the car. and gawd help ya if there driving a silent car... oi. i should start walking around with a go pro strapped to my ass.

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