Knitting From Her Vagina

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
31,053 Views 1 decade ago WTF

Wow, thanks for that information. It's nice to know that something isn't going to crawl out of the vulva and eat me up. Maybe I'm wrong, but it would seem to me that you're nothing but an at... Show more

  • eyeballasshole August 3, 2017

    People like this truly show how artistically brain-dead liberals truly are. There is absolutely nothing about this that is artistic or edgy or beautiful or different. If anything, it's just the perfect embodiment of fucking stupid. Where is Isis when you need them? Feed these people to them and just video tape them being destroyed.

  • whitegoat June 5, 2017

    This Bitch is BAT SHIT CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • noihavetosaythis December 23, 2016

    If you are an artist attentionseeking is called art. . it's great . .

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