Seattle Cop Breaks Handcuffed Woman's Eye Socket

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
24,335 Views 1 decade ago Police

After a 6 month investigation, the Seattle cop who punched a drunk bitch in handcuffs and fractured her orbital socket will not be charged with assault. I don't know how it took them 6 month... Show more

  • 4drsmorewhores February 6, 2022

    She assaulted an officer. Equal lefts and equal rights bitch.

  • justboss January 24, 2017

    Ok so first she was like "I didn't even kick you!" THEN she was like "I kicked you because..."

  • cynuckm December 15, 2014

    You american's are so fucking tough and dumb,kicking each other's ass.I can see that those pig can do what they want to do to all of you fuckhead's. And from what i see in these video, you retard are letting them get away whit it.And i also think that your so called government is behind all this because the pig get's away whit it.Now tell me which one is the fuck up here. The american PIG or the American's whit out the badge??? I'm reading all that comment's, and it look's like the american's have no brain's at all.What a shame, You are all Stupid dumb motherfucker's. It is not worth my time looking at dumb america's video,stupid fuck

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