Big Whitey wanted to run his mouth to the prison guard after he was told his visit was over, and as you can see, that didn't work out too well for him. And now he's charged with assault on a...Big Whitey wanted to run his mouth to the prison guard after he was told his visit was over, and as you can see, that didn't work out too well for him. And now he's charged with assault on a prison guard, while the guard has faced no punishment. Don't you just love the justice system?
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Argue with the cops in front of a judge. If you wanna argue without that feature, you'll get your goddamn ass beat, maybe killed, and if you survive, you get lots of jail time, fucks. Suck it the fuck up.
That’s what happens when tyrants get their egos hurt!
What? A white guy in jail? No way. All white people are productive members of society, not prisoners.
Argue with the cops in front of a judge. If you wanna argue without that feature, you'll get your goddamn ass beat, maybe killed, and if you survive, you get lots of jail time, fucks. Suck it the fuck up.