This Road Ain't Big Enough For Two

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
19,665 Views 9 years ago Accidents

That was a nice attempt at riding the bank and cruising by the oncoming car, but somehow gravity took over and squashed that plan. I hope they have some vodka to enjoy while they're waiting ... Show more

  • darkmadness January 1, 2015

    I would hit him direct on, Bumpers are fixable and cheapm now this bitch needs to repaint the entire car and fix the smashed windscreen!

  • cheshiregrin January 1, 2015

    ^Actually, the water vapor from the oceans and ice caps would just cool the atmosphere down, so we'll end up probably in a global cold snap sooner than a planet-wide heat wave. Either that, or it all becomes a giant version of New Orleans minus Mardi Gras. Either way, nope.

  • dkgarr999 January 1, 2015

    global warming is solve this sort of thing

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