The Flying Cow

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
23,570 Views 9 years ago Animals

Maybe in India cows can walk down the freeway without any problems, since those filthy people worship them, but everywhere else in the world, cows make great steaks and hamburgers. It ain't ... Show more

  • lonetrader420 April 16, 2021

    Steaks half off

  • rafgore December 25, 2018


  • china_mike December 2, 2016

    No joke, my brother and law was driving at night in his pickup truck, and I was the passenger, his little girl was STANDING UP in the seat between us. As we rounded a curve, I saw a cow smack dab in the middle of the road, seconds before we hit it. My first instinct was to grab my niece. My brother had been looking at me saying something when he hit it.

    He had no idea what had happened, as the entire hood was folded up before the window. We found the cow 40 or so feet away; it looked like a cow "accordian"--it was about 5 feet long, all squashed up in the middle.

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