Twofer Tuesday: Mopeds Coming Through

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
14,247 Views 9 years ago Accidents

Hahaha, that first crash is fucking hilarious. And away drives the culprit. She could use a bit more practice on that thing. And the old lady needs to learn how to cross a road. You'd think ... Show more

  • cellule January 15, 2015

    @ballshorts "Splitting lanes is necessary on bikes that are air cooled." - Air cooled bikes should remain where they can be air cooled. I have to jerk-off 62 times per day. So I do it on the bus, at the restaurant, at the office and peoples have to let me do and give me room..

  • englishgent January 14, 2015

    The 2nd guy was perfectly in his rights to filter in traffic. I do it all the time but usually stick to 10mph incase of situations like this.

    And yes, it's perfectly legal in the UK to do this. Common sense applies to both rider and pedestrian so before everyone berates the biker maybe they should also shoulder blame on the stupid old bitch that failed to look.

  • potrostation January 13, 2015

    Tough old bird!

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