Let's Do Some Donuts

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
18,939 Views 9 years ago Creative Shit

What do you get when you cut two old, shitty Volkswagens in half and and weld the fronts together? A bad ass donut making machine, that's what. That's a car that should have a four beer mini... Show more

  • chrisw454 January 19, 2015

    that thing spins just about as much as the prostitute did on my dick last night.

  • immanuelkunt January 19, 2015

    Too bad they didn't smack the fuck out of that other German shitbox in the picture, you bastards.

  • cheshiregrin January 18, 2015

    Reminds me of the average Internet argument: Lots of noise, gets both parties absolutely nowhere, but boy is it usually fun spinning around with a fellow idiot for a while.

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