Chin music makes guy sleepy

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Big Jeff
28,208 Views 1 decade ago Fights

Ah, backyard teenage boxing. That brings back a few memories, but nothing as serious as this knockout though. That was probably the hardest seizing I've seen outside of a death video. Either... Show more

  • breakfastblunt January 21, 2015

    "Quick call someone" followed by "No don't" Jesus Christ, it's a wonder that teenage boys live into their twenties. Your friend is dying on the ground and all you can think about is getting into trouble. The rational is palpable.

  • ptsd33 January 20, 2015

    Chest compressions are for a stopped heart. Hope he's still alive. This reaction to blunt force to the head is common. If he is alive he's not feeling good with his broken jaw and bruised sternum/heart muscle.

  • cheshiregrin January 20, 2015

    And how the FUCK is whatever the hell they were doing going to help when someone's seizing?! The dude that tried to say "leave him alone" is right, that's all you can do to make sure they don't hurt themselves when they're on the ground. At least they didn't try straightening his limbs out. Oh, and trying to take off the gloves would've helped in case his arm suddenly extended and he hit someone.

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