Hospital Fight to the death

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26,525 Views 1 decade ago Asians

Just imagine being this doctor. Before going to work, it's a pretty normal day, etc. Then go to work, and some asshole in a red jacket starts a fight with you. Then he pushes you into a elev... Show more

  • bobbabooey January 31, 2015

    Breakfast is right. Detroit, Baltimore, and DC are shitholes, but the ER docs and nurses get a lot of experience in a short time.

  • breakfastblunt January 31, 2015

    @realtalks to be honest the best doctors are in the ghetto. Highest volume of in-patient. Have you ever seen an ER in the city?? Filled to the brim with black people yelling at nurses cause they've been there for 6 hours, 3 hours, 5 minutes, it doesn't matter how long. Ha my gf had a panic attack one time, insurance in hand (pre-obamacare, her parents are loaded) and seen immediately. Haha a fuckin panic attack and seen immediately. It's obvious the problem why blacks aren't seen sooner.. Do the math crazyshitheads..

  • dullfeathers January 31, 2015

    "What do you mean I can't get another script for Oxy 80's!"

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