I'm surprised she hung on as long as she did. Where the fuck is Spiderman? Shouldn't he be swooping in to save the day? I guess she's on her own and probably with a broken leg or two. Just m...I'm surprised she hung on as long as she did. Where the fuck is Spiderman? Shouldn't he be swooping in to save the day? I guess she's on her own and probably with a broken leg or two. Just make sure to keep your knees bent when you land.
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50 shades of grey pins holding your shattered legs and pelvis together after that fall. 10/10
If I was her, I would prefer to have my legs and some more bones broken than Burn to DEATH in a MF" FIRE....
________, Robert Hallock
the truckingman.
Hey, I forgot my keys can you bring them on the way down?