Tase The Knife Wielding Maniac

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
21,144 Views 1 decade ago Police

This obviously isn't in the US since he wasn't shot 20 times and then handcuffed while he laid lifeless in a pool of his own blood. It's kind of more fun to watch them get tased anyway.

  • thairish April 15, 2015

    Adam H. u r correct, this was not the United States. If this had been the United States, the store clerk, or owner, would have had the legal right to protect themselves.

    If this incident had occurred in the wonderful United States of America, the poor clerk behind the counter could have protected himself by shooting the dimwitted crook 20 as the crook laid dying in his own blood.

    instead this video was from the UK, where knife homicides far exceed our gun homicides per capita. Don't bleed from the heart until you learn your own facts. Simple elementary facts.

  • vaticider March 30, 2015

    Should of just shot him, he's no good to anyone, I don't care if hes having a bad day...fuck these selfish pricks

  • bobbabooey March 30, 2015

    Female cop hard at work standing around

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