Almost Made It A Threesome

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
19,365 Views 9 years ago Accidents

That was a close call. For the guy with the dashcam I mean. It was a little more than a close call for the other two drivers. Remember folks, red means stop.

  • darkmadness April 6, 2015

    The cars we have these days are so squishy, Once you hit someone the car shatters like glass and all that shrapnel could hit a bystander.

  • realtalks April 5, 2015

    It's different in Russia for the legal limit, in Russia you have to have at least a .08 blood alcohol level or else you get fined for anything less

  • handsomedevil April 5, 2015

    driving with his head in the clouds. probably thinking about pierogies, snow and hockey.

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