Crazy Bitch Starts A Fire

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
19,119 Views 9 years ago WTF

That sure is one crazy bitch. He denied her a cigarette, so she lit his car on fire. Can you say psycho? And his brother was in the backseat too. I guess his reflexes just got put to the tes... Show more

  • nacho1223 May 1, 2015

    i hit the shit out of that bitch

  • sickfuck642 May 1, 2015

    id of sprayed the bitch down.

  • only1hans April 30, 2015

    What a dumb-ass...Obviously he's not a firefighter, the first rule to fighting a fire is: to find the arsonist and use them as a blanket to smother the fire, if that fails, proceed to step number two: tamp the fire with the remains this rarely fails because of the gooey insides (entrails) usually smothers the flames...If step two fails, fuck it call 911 and say it was a psycho bitch that tried to blow your shit up!!!!

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