Friday Fails: Autos

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20,828 Views 9 years ago Fail

Today's Friday Fails is brought to you by the letters, A, U, T, O and S. Yup, just cars and the failing drivers that drive them. I really like the guy in the GTO (I think it's a GTO) that lo... Show more

  •   maddog123 May 22, 2015


  •   truckingman May 22, 2015

    First one, to the Dumb drive, ALWAYS KEEP YOU EYES ON TYE ROAD, so SHIT LIKE THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN... Second, "Can't you feel the truck LEENING? Third, Never FUCK with a GATOR, THEY WILL MF" FUCK YOU AND YOUR SHIT UP DUMBASS!! Fourth, you have too much "TORQUE" that is what "Wheel bars" are for JACKASS...

    LMMF"AO, Robert Hallock

    the truckingman.

  • realtalks May 22, 2015

    With a 3700 pound bite force that plastic bumper never stood a chance against that gator

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