The Bitch Has A Gun

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
36,291 Views 9 years ago Fights

This bitch brought a gun to a fist fight. Or the other bitch brought fists to a gun fight. Whatever the case, all she used it for was a hit or two. These girls should settle their difference... Show more

  • rabbithole March 12, 2018

    What are they fighting over .. Oh never mind.

  • treygoodzz October 4, 2016

    Janie’s got a gun, her whole world’s come undone, what can janie do, she can blow me & my friends toooo....

  • spartan22407 June 5, 2015

    Just because you own a gun doesn't mean you get to act all badass. When you carry, you need to keep your head on a swivel and assess your situational awareness. Should you see shit about to go down, you need to excuse yourself. There is no need for the John Wayne attitude and this isn't the Wild West. Should you try to excuse yourself from the situation and your adversary won't let you, you have a duty to defuse the situation before you engage in self defense. The last thing you want to do is introduce an escalation of violence that you will be explaining during your interview with the detectives that will be collecting evidence for hours after you squeezed that trigger. I'm not saying it's wrong to have a gun- I have several -but it does mean you carry a heavier responsibility not to act like a dumbass just because you are carrying.

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