Why you don't play like you're a gangsta

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Big Jeff
31,988 Views 9 years ago Fights

It's been a long time since the 90's. Why are there dudes out there still banging? Better yet why are there dudes pretending to be bangers? At least I know there's one less spreading that st... Show more

  • t6688846993 June 10, 2015

    cripple a blood

    bleed a crip


    fuck niggas

  • t6688846993 June 10, 2015

    @fistermister stupid as fuck, niggas are too broke to own jungles

  • rifleman123 June 10, 2015

    That happyjack loves to tell people how to spell whats your problem niger the truth getting to you boy dont worry about peoples spelling eat a fucking watermelon leave people alone fucking ingrate

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